Domestic Shipping:
Shipping rates for most items with domestic shipping is free. Our preferred carriers are USPS, Federal Express Ground or Express, and we will determine which carrier we will use at time of shipment.
To calculate the rates for international purchases, simply add items to your cart by clicking purchase for the items you are most interested in. Below your selected items, enter your zip code to calculate the shipping charge. We make shipping simple and affordable.
International Shipping:
Rates are determined by weight, your location and speed of delivery via DHL Service. Usually the shipping cost for international customers would be about $60 USD.
To calculate the rates for international purchases, simply add items to your cart by clicking purchase for the items you are most interested in. Below your selected items, enter your zip code to calculate the shipping charge. We make shipping simple and affordable.
International customers:
Most countries charge customs duties taxes and fees on items being exported from the USA. The Buyer is responsible of knowing their Country's importing laws and taxes. The Buyer pays ALL import duties taxes and fees. These charges are the buyer’s responsibility.
Damages and Discrepancies:
Although a rare occurrence, damages in transit or order discrepancies can happen. We require that you notify us in writing within 48 hours of receipt of a damaged item or if there is any discrepancy. In the event of damages, you are required to hold all original packaging and the damaged product, lack of original packaging will nullify all claims.Cancellation / Return / Refund Policy
Completed orders may be customer cancelled, within 7 days after the order is marked as received. In order to obtain a refund in the same form of payment as your purchase was made, VSDIAL purchases must be returned within 14 days of the date of receive. Please contact us at info@vsdial.com to get a return address. Items must be returned to us unused, in original packaging, and with all original brand tags still attached. Please note that we are not liable for items lost in the post. Returned goods must be packaged securely as we will not accept returned goods that are damaged in transit.
The return shipping for products are paid for by the customer.